Monday, May 11, 2009

Sunday, April 26, 2009

crystal skull

Mutt makes friends with Indi. People chase Indi. Mutt is good at fighting with a sword. Indi says Woah, Mutt says Woah. Indi says Woah! At the end Indiana Jones marries Mutt's Mum.

I like the music and I can sing it all day long and drive my dad mad....and my sister....and my mum.

On christmas 2009 my Great Granny got it for me along with the first ,second and third.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Joe's Review of Indiana Jones Films

I like this film and daddy likes it too. I like it because it's funny and it makes me laugh out loud. It takes me 5 hours to watch it from breakfast to lunchtime.
I thought it was the first film because it has Indy as a scout kid.